Prestige Smart City Sarjapur Road
Information on both ground and surface water resources will be collected and assessedduring the study period. These water resources will be analyzed for Physico-chemical quality,
nutrients, Heavy metals and for micro-biological parameters. Information on total water
requirement and sources of wastewater has been collected. The data on quantity and
anticipated characteristics of wastewater for the proposed project has also been collected.
Prestige Smart City Quick facts
Project Name: Prestige Smart CityBuilders : Prestige group
Location : Sarjapur Road, Bangalore
Floors : NA
BHK : 1,2 and 3 BHK
Type : Apartments
There will be anticipated impacts on the surrounding water environment during boththe construction and operation stage of the proposed project. Following are the some of the
anticipated impacts on the surrounding water environment due to the proposed project.
- Impacts on nearby water sources.
- Impact on exploitation of surface/ ground water.
- Wastewater generation
Following are the some of the mitigating measures to minimize the pollution level.
- Proper measures to avoid the runoff from the construction activities.
- Water conservation within the buildings.
- Rainwater harvesting to maintain the water level - Construction of water harvesting structures.
- Reuse of STP treated water for flushing, gardening, etc.
- Water conservation in landscape.
- Measures for mitigation of wastewater generation.